Strategic Network for Sensor Research at Cambridge University
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Sensors help understanding housing conditions in Mumbai
Feb 14, 2024Sensors help to understand the increasing energy needs of residents in Mumbai's slum rehabilitation housing and its poor inside air quality. Based on qualitative and quantitative research Cambridge architect and urban designer Ronita Bardhan has made suggestions on how to improve the living conditions of millions of people and at the same time reduce the environmental impact.
《侣行攻略之确认你是我的人》欢乐剧组趣事多-国际在线 - CRI:2021-6-12 · 由谭卓、赵英俊、张磊领衔主演,根据著名爱小说《猴年马月》改编的爱情喜剧电影《侣行攻略之确认你是我的人》将于6月14日全国上映并已全面开启预售。今日电影片方发布了一款“新闻采访”版特辑,视频用新闻播报的口吻加上记者
Sep 25, 2024The new civil engineering building on the West Cambridge campus has officially opened on 24 Sep 2024. It houses the civil engineering division of the Engineering Department and the state of the art National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing
Combining robotics and machine learning for lettuce harvesting
Jul 11, 2024View all news